Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Level Editor

I've started developing the level editor for the game. The basic structure is laid out and full frontal coding can begin. The level editor is crucial for this game to move forward.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Oops... Forgot something...

Oh yeah, about the previous post. I forgot to add a little bit more info.

The Keys (For Now):
ESC - Quit
F3 - Insert Coin

Thats it...

More Coming Soon

See it for yourself.

I've uploaded the first part of the game to my server. Currently its just the frontend, with my own little font engine. And the FPS is limited to 125. Nothing fancy yet, but it'll become better soon...

Get it at http://www.pjpdev.co.za/xtremists/pgdannual/2009/intelspooks.zip and tell me what you think of it :-D

Sunday, July 19, 2009

A few Screenshots...

Finally got some screenies to show. Big things happened here... First off, I totally rewritten everything in SDL and left Andorra behind. Secondly was getting my own little font engine to work, I made a few stupid mistakes with it. But now it works perfectly and I'm happy.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Screenshots not too far away...

Well, I've been coding like hell and true screenshots are on the horizon. So far all I had to show was concept art. But its turning into something playable. I'm also gonna setup a SVN soon for the source, still deciding between using my own server or a service like SF.net, it depends on how I feel when the time comes for setting up an SVN server.

I gotta get crackin this weekend...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A look at what the splash screen (might) look like

Got a basic idea for the splash screen, I worked the whole evening on this one and it still needs some fine tuning. Coding took the slow road, but hopefully I'll have something to show before the end of the week.

Lazy Night...

Damn I'm lazy tonight, don't feel much like coding... or anything for that matter. Worked a little bit on the project and found myself watching TV later on. Hehe...

Monday, July 13, 2009

Main Character Design

Just did a little design sketch for the main character. This is just some rough work and will look something like this in the game...

Doesn't look too bad...

A quick logo design sketch.

Quickly wasted a few minutes drawing this ugly little character on a piece of note paper. I'm no artist, but it looks alright and will propably change a few times. So, what do you think?

Busy with basic framework.

Currently I'm busy with the basic framework. This should've been done, but I've been tired lately... Work sucks, seriously! So all the basic stuff has to be set up the way I planned on - Initialize, main loop, events, lists, etc.... Blah blah blah... After that I can move on to the more interesting stuff... Yay...

2009 PGD Annual: Arcadia

I entered the 2009 PGD Annual game developers compo, Stage 1 is already complete and its now time for the heavy development of my entry. Here is some info about the game entered:

Title: Intel Spooks
Style: Platformer
Graphics: 2D
API: Andorra2D
You're a spy that has to gather intel from computer workstations around the levels, but it won't be that simple. There are cunning enemies and nasty booby-traps scattered throughout.